User Settings
The User Settings Menu, denoted by the icon at the top of the Library Sidebar, contains all of NovelAI's personalization options, accessibility options, and more!
The different tabs in the User Settings Menu will allow you to adjust and personalize multiple aspects of NovelAI's appearance, as well as how text and AI output are presented. Text To Speech features are also located here, along with default AI model preferences and a list of Hotkeys for editor features and shortcuts. Most of the options are self-explanatory or covered by their own description, this page will cover the more advanced and important parts of the menu.
The AI Settings tab is where you will find settings pertaining to AI output presentation and generation, such as: output streaming and sentence trimming, HypeBot, token limits and default bias preferences, and the option to view Token Probabilities on output.
This tab also contains a checkbox for the Inline Generation model, allowing you to toggle between the special bidirectional model and your preferred default.
The Interface tab contains NovelAI's many text formatting and UI settings. Change your language, resize buttons and text, adjust text spacing, and enable or disable UI features using this tab.
Settings to enable swiping the sidebars on touchscreen devices, right click behavior of NovelAI's context menu, and the minibar toggle are also found here.
The Theme tab allows you to switch to one of our many default themes and even customize and import/export your own! The advanced Custom CSS feature is also contained here for further personalization.
The Account tab contains subscription management and user information-related features. Change your account email and password, purchase Gift Keys, manage the Default Storage Location for your stories, and disable the Remote Story Conflict popup in the Account tab. You can also download all of your stories using the Download All Stories button located here.
NovelAI's Text to Speech feature is highly customizable. Our Text to Speech page contains a full rundown of each of its features!
Default model and preset settings can be set in the Defaults tab. Be sure to check these every time there are model updates or you find a new favorite preset!
The Hotkeys tab contains a full list of each keyboard shortcut supported in NovelAI. The Hotkeys page contains a duplicate of the list for posterity.
The NovelAI Debug menu is an advanced feature, allowing you to download and delete stories by ID and download your account metadata. View the Debug page for more information.